Parish Ministries: Being Involved

The Church of St. Peter is a Roman Catholic faith community that, in the spirit of Jesus Christ, welcomes all people, cherishes the Eucharist, fosters faith formation for all ages, and serves our members and the broader community in justice and charity. To learn more about each of St. Peter’s ministries and how you can become more involved, please use the links below.


The Worship Commission works to actively involve parishioners in our liturgies.

Pastoral Ministry

St. Peter’s aims to care for the spiritual needs of our parishioners at all stages of life’s journey.

Faith Formation

The Faith Formation Commission works to educate our whole community—adult, youth, child—so that learning and sharing of faith crosses generations and continues for a lifetime.

Parish Council

St. Peter’s Parish Council serves as an advisory board to the pastor in setting direction and decision-making for the parish.

Charity & Justice

The Charity and Justice Commission seeks to provide ministries that reach out to our parishioners by sharing our talents with those who are in need, especially our homebound and disenfranchised parishioners. Each parishioner is valued as an important and vital part of our congregation.


The Social Commission works to welcome both new and existing members of the parish by offering a variety of events that build community.


The Administrative Commission services the necessary and practical needs of our parish.