
The Administrative Commission services the necessary and practical needs of our parish. To get involved in any of the following ministries or committees, please contact the parish office at 612-866-5089.

Calendar Clubs

Calendar Clubs are formed separately and complete at least one service project for the parish every year. A number of clubs are also involved in community service projects and new clubs may be formed at any time.

Communications Committee

St. Peter has a Communications Committee to assist parish groups to “get word out” regarding special church events, meetings and ministries. Just as soon as you are ready to set a date and start planning your meeting or event, be sure to contact the parish office. By keeping the office informed, bulletin, pulpit and reader board announcements will be crafted (as needed) and outside media and surrounding churches and schools will be notified. If you are in need of additional ideas, new creative thoughts, or other assistance to help you promote and publicize your event, the St. Peter Communications Committee is available to support you. Remember that to be most effective the committee needs as much lead time as possible. For more information please call the parish office at 612-866-5089.

Endowment Committee

This group meets three times per year to make recommendations and predictions based on our legal documents about how much money is available from our endowment proceeds to use for parish needs. Their recommendations go to the Finance and Pastoral Councils, who decide how the funds will be used. The pastor invites members of the parish whose talents are appropriate and who have a genuine interest in parish life to serve on this committee. For more information please contact Deacon Mark at 612-866-5089.

Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee inspects the parish plant and grounds for maintenance and repair needs both immediate and long-range. The committee is accountable to the Finance Committee and is supervised by the Business Administrator. Membership consists of two full-time maintenance employees and parish volunteers. Any parishioner may join. Meetings are held as needed.

Finance Committee

The function of the Finance Committee is to advise the Pastor on financial aspects of the parish. The Finance Committee manages the parish finances, prepares the parish’s annual budget, reviews quarterly and annual financial statements, and conducts the annual stewardship fund drive. The pastor invites members of the parish whose talents are appropriate and who have a genuine interest in parish life to serve on this committee. For more information please contact Deacon Mark at 612-866-5089.

Gardening Committee

This team of workers identifies needed changes or improvements to the landscape at both the church and the rectory. Members also carry out the changes—that is, general garden work like digging, planting, mulching, watering and more—to make our church and rectory look its best under a very limited budget.

Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is an organization of Catholic men whose foundation is based on the principles of unity, charity to those in need and fraternity toward fellow Knights. The principle of patriotism was later added to reflect the love of one’s country. The Marian Council Knights of Columbus #3827 is located in Bloomington and includes many members belonging to St. Peter. The Council also has an Auxiliary unit with members from St. Peter. For more information please contact Pat at 612-861-3981.

Money Counters

Money counters count the money collected at weekend Masses. Teams (with ample substitutes) of five are formed and put on a yearly schedule every 4th Sunday. Money is counted on Sundays. The ability to count to 50 and work confidentially is all that is required. There are no meetings to attend. Clear and easy-to-follow procedures are in place. Money counters usually enjoy the job so much that they continue for many, many years. St. Peter’s also needs a few individuals to help with a separate money count on Monday mornings after 8:00 AM Mass. For more information please call the Parish office at 612-866-5089.

Office Assistants & Helpers

These volunteers are parishioners who volunteer for general office work like collating, mailing, greeting the public and answering the telephones during normal parish office hours. For more information please call the Parish office at 612-866-5089.

Shop Workers

These volunteers are parishioners available during the work week and are interested in helping the maintenance staff to set up rooms, rake leaves, sweep, move tables and other various duties. For more information please call the Parish office at 612-866-5089.