Faith Formation

Sunday Mornings at St. Richard Catholic Church

Open to children pre-K through eighth grade.
10 a.m. to noon Sundays (includes 10 a.m. Mass)

We offer faith formation classes for children from age 3 (must be toilet trained) through eighth grade on Sunday mornings, September through May.

The curriculum includes: weekly small and large group discussions, arts & crafts, music, exploration of different prayer forms, and family-themed presentations.

Each year’s curriculum builds on learning from the previous year, so it is extremely important that your child/ren attend classes each and every year, even when they aren’t preparing to receive a sacrament!

Click here to sign your children up for current faith formation opportunities.

Children & Family
Blessed Trinity Catholic School
Rediscover: A Call to Rediscover Our Faith


How You Can Help: Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Volunteers Needed

Volunteer opportunities are bountiful in our Faith Formation programs. Just contact Anne Marie or Patricio to let them know your availability along with the ministry that interests you most. They will find the right fit for you. All faith formation volunteers must pass a background check, sign the volunteer code of conduct sheet, and be VIRTUS-trained.

Background Checks & VIRTUS Training

Per Archdiocesan directive, the Background Checks on Volunteers Policy (effective July 1, 2004) requires background checks on any volunteer who regularly works or has contact with minors or vulnerable adults in a supervisory, leadership, chaperone, care-giving, teaching or similar relationship. The Archdiocese also has a program facilitated by a company called VIRTUS that provides on-going training to detect sexual abuse of children. All volunteers at St. Peter must be VIRTUS-trained.

Background Check Forms